Written and Directed by Misa Radivojevic
Production Testament filmS d.o.o.

The film is telling a story of a man in his late forties.
These are the years when nature cease to care about the man, denies his immunity and leaves him hanging. Problem that our hero is facing is living in society which also loses the immunity, and is also left „hanging“. In order to survive in „transitional” situation, radical changes and ascetic discipline are required. Our hero believes, with all his heart, in changes of „society“and „life circumstances“ but is reluctant to „changes of himself“. „He“does not accept changes, believes it is late, and denies transferring of the false feeling of freedom, his bohemia, negligence and hedonism. But he is a gentleman, who does not want to stay in the way of his environment, nation, and the „whole progressive world“, his old friends, his child - and thus leaves to the sea.
Eternal sea.
„He“ lives in Belgrade, as former journalist, PR of the large Serbian American bank. Honest and pure, profoundly but not superficially. Years of terror have gone, and most of his friends have gained from them in one way or another, but he was left behind, passive and indifferent, drained in self pity, crawled in the rat hole, filled with books, music, alcohol, gamble, smoke and occasional women.  He possesses no energy, and is not in condition to organize himself around the „new world“and the „new age“. Recently divorced and with the daughter he adores, but is incapable to make her life better in living with her mother and stepmother, he is paying a very high alimony. His mother is eighty and fading in a retirement home, while he is barely taking care of medical expenses.
Due to his tenderness, bohemia, sentimental relations with the clients and lack of ambition, he is being sacked from the bank he works for. His life shattered, and the remaining sense of it all is gone.
Suddenly, he discovers his “treasure island”.  His light headed mother and faithful secretary are opening for him a “safe” with large amount of forgotten money.
But, it is too late. “He” cannot return to the “New World”. He refuses to live without the “layers” and “habits”, his personal sense of freedom.
He returns his debts with high interest rates, leaves Belgrade and goes to the Sea. Incapable for communication with people, he tries to make a friendship with a dog. He fails, dog leaves him. He falls asleep and bleeds on the great sea land.

And dreams of the Sun…